What is Physics ?


Humans Have Always Been Curious About The World Around Them. The Night Sky With Its Bright Celestial Objects Has Fascinated Humans Since Time Immemorial. The Regular Repitition Of The Day And Night, The Annual Cycle Of Seasons, The Eclipes, The Tides, The Valcanoes, The Ranibow Have Always Been A Source Of Wonder. The World Has Been Astronishing Variety  Of Materials And A Bewildering Diversity Of Life And Behaviour.  The inquiring And A Imaginative Human Mind Has an responded to the wonder and awe of nature in different ways. one kind of response from the earliesttime has been observe the physical environment carefully, look for any meaningful patterns and relation in natural phenomena, and build and use new tool to intract with nature. This human endeavour led, in   course time to modern science and technology.

Physics is a vast branch of natural science. Physics is hard to define. According to the opinion of some scholars, this is the science of energy and in this, the transformation of energy and its material relations are discussed. Through this, the study of the natural world and its internal activities is done. Many subjects like space, time, motion, matter, electricity, light, heat, and sound, etc. come under its purview. It is a major department of science. Its principles are valid throughout science and are applicable in every branch of science. Its area is wide and it is very difficult to determine its extent. All scientific subjects come under it to a lesser extent. Other branches of science are either directly based on the physical, or attempts are made to relate their facts with its basic principles.

Albert Einstein The importance of physics is also more because being the mother of engineering and crafts, it is the basic driver of all social and economic development of this era. Long ago, considering it as a part of philosophy, it was called Natural Philosophy or Natural Philosophy, but around 1870 AD, it was addressed by the present name Physics or Physics. Gradually this science kept on progressing and at this time even the foremost physicists are surprised to see the rapid pace of its development. Gradually it gave rise to many important branches, such as chemical physics, star physics, biophysics, geophysics, nuclear physics, celestial physics, etc.[/caption]

The main principle of physics is the “law of conservation of energy”. According to this the amount of energy of any mass of matter is constant. It is not possible to reduce or increase this quantity by the internal actions of the community. Energy has many forms and it can be transformed, but it cannot be possible to change its quantity in any way. According to Einstein’s theory of relativity, mass can also be converted into energy. In this way, both the principles of conservation of energy and conservation of mass are coordinated and through this principle, physics and chemistry are related to each other.

Classical physics

Physics is often broadly divided into two parts. The physical knowledge that had been acquired before 1900 AD and therefore the laws and principles that were propounded were included in classical physics. The inspirations of the ideology of that point were Galileo (1564–1642 AD) and Newton (1642–1727). Classical physics is especially divided into mechanics, acoustics, heat, electromagnetism, and optics. These branches are the cornerstones of engineering and craft science and therefore the education of physics is started from them.

modern physics

After 1900 AD, many revolutionary facts were known, which are difficult to suit within the framework of classical physics. The branch of physics that originated in studying these new facts and solving their mysteries is named modern physics. Modern physics is directly associated with the structure of matter. Atomic atoms, nucleus, and fundamental particles are his main subjects. This new branch of physics has given a replacement and revolutionary address to scientific thought and it’s also influenced science and philosophy significantly.

At present, the topic of electronics is taken into account to be a focus, with the assistance of which the entire world is moving.
major areas of physics

mechanics and material properties

  • acoustics
  • heat
  • optics
  • modern physics
  • high-energy physics